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Clerk Needed

The Vestry is looking for a new clerk as West Matthews leaves for college. Please speak with Fr. Steve or John Charny if you feel called to this position.


Formation Lesson - The Book of Common Prayer Teaching Series

Our coffee hour teaching series on the Book of Common Prayer will continue with the third workshop on September 22nd. This session will cover The Daily Office. Participants are encouraged to study their prayer books between classes and bring their thought-provoking questions to the discussion!


We Take Requests!

During the summer, the choir takes a break from practicing and gowning, although we will certainly be singing along from the congregation.

In addition, during Ordinary Time SBEC has a tradition of asking the congregation for hymn requests. Forms are available on the library table (one request per sheet, no limit on requests), but if you prefer, you can contact David LePage directly.


Interim Canon for Formation

From August through January 1st, Russ Tripi will be joining Bishop Anne Jolly's staff to serve as Interim Canon for Formation while the Rev. Canon Anna Sutterisch is on parental leave. Aside from hosting a few events, Russ plans to use this time to dialogue with other churches on formation programming and assess best practices for St. Bart's moving forward.


LGBTQ+ Retreat

In collaboration with Trinity Cathedral's LGBTQ Ministry, St. Bart's will host an LGBTQ Christian retreat on Saturday, September 14th from 9 am to 4 pm.  It is open to all members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.  For more information and to register, please click HERE.


Annual Picnic

The Feast Day of Bartholomew is August 24. To celebrate our patron saint, we'll have our annual church picnic on Sunday, August 25th at noon. Please consider bringing a dish and a friend! A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board by the kitchen. If you're interested in helping out in any other way, please talk to Richard Wise. 


Altar Flowers

If you would like to purchase the altar flowers for a specific Sunday, please place your name on the signup sheet in the cloak room. Checks should be made out to Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Church with “altar flowers” on the memo line. The suggested donation is $40.  The Vestry also encourages contributions to a "Flower Fund."   Donations in an amount of your choice to the Flower Fund will help to create a committed source of funds for altar flowers for those Sundays when no one has dedicated flowers.  Please see Treasurer Jack Rendlesham for more information. 








Parish Vestry typically meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  It is open to all.  If you have something that you would like to add to the agenda, please contact our Senior Warden, John Charny.

Current Vestry Members:

John Charny '25, Senior Warden

Marge Comella '25

Richard Wise '25

Vincent Christie '26, Junior Warden

Russ Tripi '26

West Matthews '26, Clerk

Jo Ann Buckley '27

Debbie Kampman '27

Sue Ann Worley '27


Jack Rendlesham, Treasurer

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